Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Blog that isnt a blog

Wow!!! After 3 hours of figuring out the configuration of this blog site, Im happy to blog everybody and let them know I am now in desperate need of a beer and some mindless activity like beer-pong (Hmmm, I wonder if anybody has tried Naked-Beer-Pong-Twister yet...). Seriously though, you guys stay tuned because I love my new blog home and plan on keeping this one very jovial, light hearted and humorous. Yea, yea, yea... I know many of you are raising the B.S. flag because you know I cant resist the occasional rant on current issues, but I promise to keep as much of this as non-confrontational as possible. Thank you Rebekah for turning me on to this site and getting me away from the humdrum of the other "sites" we have blogged on in the past.

So I apologize that this isn't the home run, out of the gate, first post many of you expected, but i promise to make up for it in short order.

Until then, Y'all be sure to keep your Dane Bramage in check, and as always, drink a cold beer. You deserve it, and one day you will be dead and gone, and what good is cold beer then?!??


  1. Welcome to Blogspot, my friend! Hope you enjoy it as much as I have. I like that it gives me the freedom to share my blog with non-MySpace users (though I definitely miss my MS friends' comments).

    Have fun. :-)

  2. p.s. Tips from me on this layout and settings? What tips?! It looks GREAT.
